(UN)FIXED - SoMad Gallery
On view June 17th - August 5th at SoMad Gallery, (UN)FIXED brought together 12 artists selected by the curators from an open call of 500 applicants.
Vincent Chong, Theo Trotter, Rachel Stern, Li Wang, Lassai, Kate Muehlemann-Cataldo, Gino Romero, Gabrielle Randall, Darian Deshawn Stewart, Ash Hagerstrand, Aisha Tandiwe Bell, and Peter Clough, who engage with conflicting notions of transformation, temporality, embodiment and subjecthood.
Video and installation work by Jay Elizondo and photographs by Lorenzo Triburgo are also included and speak to the additional (seemingly contradictory) experiences of agency and unknowing in relation to a trans/queer self.
The artworks in the show are at once confrontational and intimate – they claim space, queer time, forge existence, and destabilize the foundation of systems we live within.